Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Some days are hard... and thats ok! 27/02

This morning I had my Mitos class where we all had to share something we have learned so far and my professor forgot to call on me! So I raised my hand and shared that I loved learning about the history of unicorns in eden.  Unicorns were a symbol of masculinity and power, which I find very interesting. Then in my next class, Gladys had a political science teacher come and talk to us about the crisis in Spain and we all learned a lot. It was interesting actually to see how Spain got here, what kind of trouble they are in, and then in perspective with the world how they stand. I loved it! After class I walked home through a little bit of snow (cold air+my throat=bad, but snow=VERY pretty here).  We had a nice lunch together and then I met up with Mariah to go to Correos (post office).  We waited in line forever (not typical) to send out a few post cards.  We then stopped by a cafe to get some tea for my throat which was getting sadder and sadder (boo).  When we left the cafe to walk home it was snowing so hard! It was absolutely beautiful. It is so pretty here in the snow and the snow never sticks which is really nice.  I got back and spent the afternoon learning a few new vocab words, relaxing, and trying to rest up.  My throat was getting progressively more sore which is not fun.  Before dinner I caught up with mom, dad, and sis which was wonderful because being sick makes me particularly homesick.  I've said it before but I'll say it again, being sick here sucks. And knowing that we have this tiring (but fun) trip coming up just makes it worse because I feel pressure to get better. My throat hurts worse than the first time I got sick and my ears are starting to hurt too. I think I'll go see the nurse tomorrow if I'm not feeling better. For dinner we had tortilla (which is one of my favorite things here), salad with fresh carrots (I was SO happy about this), and melacaton yogurt (peach) which was SO tasty. I was pretty happy with dinner except that after eating, my throat was killing me even worse. So I asked Puri to look to see if it looked ok and she said that it does which is good. I also don't have a fever so I am ok! She had me drink lemon and honey and gave me more salt water to gargle.  I called mom and dad back for some more love and support before washing up and going to bed.  I am so appreciative of my support system, I love knowing that they are always here. I am growing and learning a lot here which at the time is hard but I know this is good.  So I'm off to rest, fingers crossed that my throat is better tomorrow.

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