Monday, February 4, 2013

We do actually attend class... 4/02

Mondays are my fabulous day where I have class forever and ever.  In my first class, Mitos, we learned about the differences between legends, myths, and stories and then when each of those is dead or alive. I hope that this class gets less boring! It is a bit dry.  Then in my next class, cine, we learned more about the history of the 'Reyes Catolicas' which is interesting and boring. It was just a lot of information in one class period, it seemed to drag on forever.  Finally in my third class, Glady's class, we discussed the reading from our book like we usually do.  Today I sat by some girls who made the class very hard to get through.  We work on questions as a group and then present the answers to the class. My group consisted of one girl who didn't read (she never does), a girl who reads but I swear does not speak a single word of spanish, and a girl who sits quietly never offering an opinion.  Gladys gave the questions to the girl who I swear can't speak spanish and that was annoying. Every time I asked 'what is the question?' she would translate it into english (usually wrong) and then we would discuss, in english. I'm getting frustrated that no one wants to speak in spanish here, and when I speak in spanish to this group of girls, I swear I can hear crickets. To not get so annoyed next time, I will sit with a different group of people.  We have many differing levels of spanish and I need to be with the higher level people so that I can speak in spanish and so that we can discuss the book. I'm here to learn spanish but I'm starting to wonder if other people just don't care enough to learn. I am going to be pushing myself, but it is hard when people drag you down.
After a frustrating class and being tired from so long in class, I walked home and had a great lunch with Puri and Tomo.  We had tortellini with special sauce that Tomo brought from Japan, it was interesting and very tasty.  I then took some time to unwind, watching Hitch for the first time in forever.  After some movie watching and some stretching, it was time to chat with Tomo for a bit and then say goodbye.  Puri cried, it was nice having him here, I will miss him too.  After he left, Puri was working so I started glancing around the bookshelves in my room and found a book called "El beso de Sahara". I read that a bit before chatting with Puri and then having some eggs for dinner.  Since it is Monday, it is the night that we watch the soap opera from her hometown.  Always so dramatic! But it is fun to watch it.  Now, as always, it is bed time.

I bought a tiny notebook today to always carry around with me to write down new words that I learn, because if I don't write words down then I forget!

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