Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The next day.... 13/02

Today I slept through my alarm (surprise surprise) and got out of bed at 8:55 when I normally leave at 9:10.  Puri wasn't up either which meant that I had to get ready and then grab something to eat then run. I got ready really quickly and meanwhile Puri got up and set out some breakfast.  I had to take it on the run but I got to class on time (success!).  Mitos is normally a hard class to get through, but today even more so. I am def feeling the effects of the day after my 21st birthday... I got some down time before the next class which was nice.  In Gladys' class we watched a terrible movie, I mostly just struggled to stay awake.  Once home I took a nice hot shower to get rid of all traces of my crazy night out and then ate lunch with Puri.  During lunch the mailman came and brought me the package from the US! It was rude because I had to pay 26 euros to get it, but I am very happy to have it. Puri said she will pick up the other package hopefully tomorrow.  :) A quick shout out to my fam for fighting through all the annoying postal system issues and getting me some presents all the way in Spain!  I am so happy to not have afternoon classes on wednesday because I was able to "watch 27 dresses" which means I got into bed and slept for a solid two hours.  I woke up to the sound of the doorbell going off like 20 times, so eventually I got up to see what was happening like maybe Puri got locked out. Puri comes up to me and says shhh I'm not expecting anyone and I don't have makeup on and I don't want to talk haha so I went up and looked through the door, it was a boy (one of her patients) and she thinks he had the wrong day.  He rang the doorbell at least 200 times (at least), tried to break down the door, knocked incessantly, held the doorbell down for minutes at a time... It was a very weird situation for me to just sit through! Like ummm he is really persistent! Soon after I was able to get the whole fam on google hangout again so that I could open the box for my birthday. What a great box! It has so many fun things for me to play with :) Thanks! Puri went out to an Opera so I ate dinner early, worked on some homework, watched half of Tommy Boy (thanks krisp!) and am going to bed. I made it through the day!

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