Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Whale whale whale 26/02

I had a nice lazy morning of doing my homework lazily and just relaxing. When Sakina (yes I finally got her name down) got home from school, she heard me blowing my nose and coughing and came in with her spanish/japanese phrase book and said "mejorate pronto" which means "get better soon" and then she gave me a hug. It was the sweetest thing! We had lunch and then I went off to my one class for the day. After class I was really tired and the cold air outside hurt my breathing/throat so I retreated to my bed to take a nap. On my way home from class there was a guy walking towards me, eating a sandwich or a burrito (couldn't tell), he was so happily enjoying his sandwich that he walked into a short pillar that they have on the sidewalk and almost fell over! I was glad he didn't fall, but I couldn't help but think that what he was eating must have been pretty darn good. It felt good to rest this afternoon, I think I still need it! Dinner was fun, Sakina is learning really quickly (still can't really communicate but now she knows words for fork, knife, plate, table, chair) it is fun! We ate these little eggs (that we've had before) which are like normal eggs except the size of like robin's eggs candy except they are actual eggs. They come from little birds. Very rich, and cute. After dinner I bantered with Kristin, killed some time on Pintrest, and then decided I should go to bed. Jammin' out to KP <3 yes.

bolsillo- pocket
cartera- wallet

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