Thursday, February 7, 2013

El cine, otra vez! 07/02

Last night I went to bed early so this morning I had to wake up and write my art paper that was due today.  I got most of it done before I had to head off to Gladys' class where we watched the movie that was made from the book we are reading "Los Girasoles Ciegos" aka the sunflowers seeking sun/shaded/blinded. It is a powerful movie about the times when Franco was in power and people were being killed for their ideas.  My class tried to get Gladys to put on subtitles in English, but I spoke up as the annoying student. I was sitting right next to Gladys and I said to her, in spanish, the subtitles need to be in spanish because otherwise we will never learn.  And despite my opinion being contrary to the majority of the class (how annoying, we are here to learn and push ourselves!) Gladys put the subtitles in spanish.  I was pretty happy! After watching the movie I came home and ate lunch with Puri which consisted of salmon, garbanzos, and multigrain bread (finally, yum!). We had some olives that we had last night, I can't stomach them. Green olives stuffed with anchovies.  It doesn't help that I've been nauseous all day, I just hope it goes away and that I didn't catch the stomach thing. Grrr. After lunch I finished off my paper and then headed to school to print it and then go to class.  In art, as per usual, we learned about another time in history and the art and arcitecture that corresponds.  I hung out a bit after class and then came home to meet Puri.  We went out to the cine again tonight, I had no idea where we were going or what we were going to see! Turns out we went to the Juan Bravo theater in the Plaza Mayor, that is a theater theater, where they pull out a projector and a screen to show old movies.  We saw the movie Cabaret with Liza Minnelli which was great. I had never seen it before but I loved it! Her friend Maite drove us home and then we ate dinner which was eggs, bread, veggie soup, and a clementine.  It was a good dinner for my tummy! Now, like yesterday, I think I'll go to bed and avoid homework. 

In the car on the way home I was talking to some of Puri's friends and I felt good about understanding their spanish and also the spanish in the movie. :)


  1. What good is sitting alone In your room? Come hear the music play. Life is a Cabaret, old chum, come to the Cabaret :)

  2. Ah exactly! So you've seen it? Why have I never seen it? It was so good!
