Thursday, February 21, 2013

I'm glad it's Thursday... 21/02

Class with Gladys today was extremely frustrating, as it can be at times.  We had a very simple quiz over some reading that we had to do and the whole class went crazy. We didn't understand the reading, quizzes aren't fair, you should give us the quiz questions ahead of time, you give us too much reading, bla bla bla complain complain. If any of them actually read, they would have known that the quiz she gave us was super easy. Then later in our discussion I was just frustrated because I was the only one in the group that even tried to read it/understand it. I don't get it, we don't get much homework, we have a lot of down time, and these classes are so easy compared to CSB, why is it so hard for people to just put in the little work that Gladys asks of us? I get frustrated. After class I came home and ate lunch alone because Puri was out with a friend.  I took some time before class to go for a nice walk even though it wasn't very nice outside.  Our art class today was then also outside, we walked around and saw four churches throughout Segovia.  It rained the whole time! But it was fun and we applied what we were learning in the classroom to these churches.  Brooklyn, Marissa and I then went to get a deal at Telepizza which was a pizza for one euro and little things of ben and jerry's for a euro (so cheap!). We all split a personal pizza, which was perfect and then got some ice cream too. By the time I walked home it was pretty cold out because the sun was down! Unfortunately I've gotten sick again, or it's coming back, or something but after spending that much time outside my throat is hurting pretty badly. We had a trip planned for this Saturday but Gladys moved it to another weekend because it is supposed to be snowing all day.  Some students are going to skip class tomorrow and fly to Portugal for the weekend. I plan on staying here, resting up, and maybe exploring some more of Segovia. There is still so much to see here! I couldn't imagine doing a big trip this weekend after Barcelona last weekend and Andalucia next weekend. I'd never get healthy! After a quick dinner and skype with mom and dad I am off to take NyQyuil and sleep...

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