Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Words words words 05/02

I have no idea how I always have so much to say, I mean I know I'm a wordy person but I never set out to write paragraph long blogs after each 'average' day here! But apparently either I have a special talent for being wordy wordy wordy (I do, yes, I'm aware) or 'average' days here are just much more exciting than elsewhere! Maybe it's a mix of both. So on that note, today was another 'average' day in the beautiful city of Segovia.  I love Tuesdays because I only have one class and it's in the afternoon.  I woke up late, ate breakfast slowly, got ready slowly, and was very relaxed. I did some homework until lunch time. Puri and I had salad, cauliflower, and eggplant. Tasty! I then made the trek to my one class for the day. haha I love school here. In art today we learned about when the Spaniards kicked the Jewish citizens out of Spain.  The Jews here were very influential people, rich, and smart.  Shockingly when they were all kicked out, it had negative effects on the economy.  It was very sad, the 'reyes catolicas' put out an edict saying "get out or convert".  But interestingly enough the word here for stingy comes from an old spanish word for a banker which was a job held by mostly Jews.  So the stereotype of Jews being stingy exists everywhere! After class I attempted some homework but ended up skyping mom for a while.  We discussed how I have to be patient with the language barrier because I'm continuously frustrated with the lack of expressing myself that I can do with Puri (wish I could transfer my wordiness from my blog into fluent spanish convo's with Puri).  It will come with time. I am also going to take learning more into my own hands and will hopefully get better! After skyping, a group of us walked back home.  Puri told me that we are going to be getting a Japanese student at the end of Feb for a month and then a group of them in March for four months and then three French girls in April! We will be a full house. She is really excited and I am too. It is always nice to have more people around. :) For dinner Puri made veggie soup which I had with bread, and then a yogurt. Little did she know it was the perfect dinner, my tummy has been feeling sad today and soup and bread is the best dinner for that! We had a great talk about feminism today and I learned more about her.  She fought a lot for women's rights when she was my age. Pretty cool! I'm not sure why but I'm tired, so I think it will be off to bed for me :) I do love sleeping.

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