Wednesday, February 20, 2013

And the business never ends... 20/02

Waking up today was extremely difficult! I could have used a few more hours of sleep, but I know I will catch up eventually.  Classes were hard to sit through because of being tired, and readjusting to this eating schedule is hard after having had control of when/what I eat for so many days. I was so hungry before lunch! After lunch I had to get a lot of homework done for tomorrow, obviously not the most fun, so I took a nap instead (and did some reading). Very productive... :)  But after that Puri took me to a piano concert.  The pianist was a 20 year old guy who was amazing! He played such complicated songs and rocked all of them. I was extremely impressed with him! I'm really happy that she took me to see the concert.  We got back to have a late dinner and then she went to bed early because she didn't sleep well last night. I then had to finally sit down and power through the homework I've been putting off for a while... whoops :)

búho- owl
alce- moose

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