Wednesday, February 13, 2013

My b-day!! 12/02

I went to bed last night without setting an alarm, and woke up this morning at 11:00 to the sound of the doorbell. Who knows when I would have slept in until if there hadn't of been the doorbell! It was glorious to be able to sleep in until then.  It was a bummer because there was no hot water today (Puri doens't know why) but I needed to shower so I just stuck my head in the tub and washed my hair in the icy water. I hope hot water returns soon! In the early afternoon Melissa and I went to Limon and Menta, a bakery by plaza mayor, to get a pastry. She bought me a delicious apple pastry which I enjoyed so much.  Puri got home a few minutes after me and gave me a present.  I was very surprised she got me a present, I was not expecting it.  It is a lovely elephant necklace that is simply beautiful.  It was a very thoughtful and wonderful present. I took off the necklace I was wearing so that I could wear it today! It looks great :) We then had a nice lunch together and I decided to stop by the post office before class to see if I could get my birthday package. I've had the worst luck with the Spanish mail system and it sucks, but it will be ok. The package from dad didn't have my name on it so Puri has to pick it up, but she won't have time until Thursday or maybe next week. I get she is busy but I wish she could go sooner :( The package from mom and sis got stuck in customs and we don't know when it will come/what shape it will be in. But I did get to open wonderful letters from dad (from Switzerland which included a lovely pocket knife with flowers on it, and a swiss shot glass- just simply the best), Sue and Tom, and Grammy and Pa while on Google Hangout with mom, dad, and kristin.  I had one class today which wasn't too bad, and in it one of my friends Katelin gave me a purse for my birthday. It is a cute going out purse with gems all over it! It was honestly so sweet.  At 8:00 a few of us went out to watch the parade which was fun but it was mostly the same parade that I saw on Sunday.  After I got back from that I had a while to rest, get ready, and eat dinner before going out again! Three bars, a lot of friends, all you can drink, rounds of chupitos (shots), getting home at 4:30...Yep I'm 21 :)

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