Thursday, April 11, 2013

We love Gladys! 11/04

Today I woke up a bit earlier than I was planning and was just laying in bed when it occurred to me that one of my classes had gotten moved and that I had class at 11:00 instead of at 12:30. Luckily it was ok because I was up early.  I headed off to my last lecture day in Cine which was terrible.  It is just him blabbering non stop about history and being very confusing and making us all very confused.  We got a bunch of packets and learned when our next test is. I am not looking forward to it! It was then time for class with Gladys and then home for lunch. Lunch was filled with interesting conversations such as Puri trying to explain female genital mutilation to Yumi who is so innocent and had no idea what she was talking about! On my walk home to lunch I was able to not wear a jacket but on my walk back to school I had to put my jacket back on. The sun went away and it got really gray AND it POURED! Luckily I had my umbrella but somehow I still got soaked on my way to class.  Arte went well, we are studying Goya who was a pretty cool painter. He is very famous too.  After class Tara, Katelin and I asked Gladys to come get drinks or coffee with us so we went to the Cafe Juan Bravo and Gladys very sweetly treated us to coffee and pastries. I got a chocolate covered 'palmera' which is like an elephant ear. So good! We were talking to Gladys about the schedule here and I was commenting how Puri and I eat so late and how hard it is for me.  And then Gladys was like well you could ask for dinner earlier but I never want to get in the way of what Puri does (also we only have two weeks left) and then also I found out that our host families are supposed to give us a snack between lunch and dinner. Normally I buy something or eat a granola bar or something but other families make real snacks for them! Katelin's family for example makes her a sandwich or a hotdog everyday between lunch and dinner. I've been getting ripped off! Gladys said she wishes I had told her earlier so we could have had Puri give me a snack (not a big deal, I've been fine) but I honestly didn't know other people were getting snacks from home! Too bad I find this out now haha.  After coffee Gladys was walking us around showing us nice bars and fancy restaurants.  She asked around everywhere for live music in bars but they don't really do that here in Segovia (sorry mom).  We walked around for a while and I saw some parts of Segovia I hadn't seen before and we saw some nice bars I would love to go back to! When it started raining again we decided it was time to part ways and to go home.  Before dinner I decided that I would do some coloring, of course.  I have this wonderful coloring book from Kristin which is always fun to do.  Dinner was the same. I mean honestly Puri shouldn't get French students if she wants nothing to do with them. She hasn't spent more than 2min total talking to them. She has yet to eat a meal with them (not breakfast, lunch, or dinner). I know she needs the money but it doesn't seem right.  I think I am ready to be done with this home stay nonsense. But it was kind of sad to say goodbye to the French students, it was a quick trip for them. I hope they had a good time!

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