Saturday, April 6, 2013

Friday! Survived my first week back. 05/04

After staying out late last night, waking up was tough this morning! Thank goodness my first class was at 11 so I didn't have to wake up too early. **side note, here they have a verb that specifically means to wake up early, I think it is cool to have a word for that! Madrugar**  Class was good, we watched a movie on Goya and the times of the Inquisition. Very interesting! After class I came back and hung out until lunch. Yumi and I ate without Puri because she was out shopping with friends.  I then had to leave to go on a cultural visit with my class.  We walked pretty far to a church called La Iglesia de La Vera Cruz (mom and dad that is the church we saw but never walked to when we did that long walk). The church was really cool, it was from the 15th century and in the center part of the church you can stand in the direct center and you can hear your voice echoing back at you but no one else can hear the echo. Also you can whisper in one corner and it is heard in the other. Very fun! Then we walked to a nearby monastery of Geronimo's (the last ones in the world) where 12 cloistered monks live.  It was a beautiful church but it was freezing inside! Churches are always freezing and it was worse because today was cold in Segovia. It was snowing outside! So we were freezing for the whole tour but it was beautiful.  They have some cool gardens and then they have this fountain that we all drank from that legend says if you drink from it then you will return to Segovia.  It is supposed to be the best water in Segovia, I thought it was pretty good.  Then after that tour we were set free to walk back home.  I came home and took a little nap because I was wiped still and cold from being outside for so long.  Eventually we ate dinner and now it is bed time! I have to catch up on some sleep tonight :)

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