Monday, April 15, 2013

Free Weekend in Segovia! And MOM COMES AGAIN! 12/04-14/04

Friday 12/04

Today was the first Friday where I had nothing to do. Our class got moved so we had no class and we had no excursion.  I woke up late and then decided to get my butt to school in an attempt to be productive.  I was there until lunch and actually got a good amount of stuff done! I then went home for lunch which was delicious as always.  Right after lunch I met up with Tara and Katelin to go for a nice walk.  We walked the really long walk around Alcazar and then we wound up at the new frozen yogurt place.  We got some yummy yogurt treats and then sat in the plaza mayor eating them and watching people.  I then headed home where I got to talk to Luke which was such a nice time, as it always is.  Then I was also able to catch up with Kristin and say hi to Dad (with him being in Colorado with her and all, very confusing when he first popped up next to Kristin!).  I then hung around until dinner and after dinner I met up with Tara and Katelin again to go to a few bars.  We went to just two casual bars: Gua Gua and El Oso Blanco for some casual drinks.  It was a nice time! After a while we decided we were tired and turned in for the night.

Saturday 13/04

Today was another day that I had no plans from the school and was free to do what I wanted.  Yesterday Tara, Katelin and I made plans to meet up and go shopping and I had a goal of getting some homework done.  Puri went out for the day with some friends so she wasn't home.  I went to La Colonial to try to be productive but my head just wasn't in it so I came home and chilled out, ate some lunch, and then went to meet up again with Tara and Katelin having gotten basically no homework done. Sometimes days like that happen.  We went shopping and I successfully bought gifts, a bracelet for myself, and a bright pink hoodie (that was in the men's section at Pull and Bear but is so girly) that I love.  We wandered around town for a while, hit a farmers market that was set up by the aqueduct and then went our separate ways.  Puri came home for dinner with Yumi and I but she didn't actually eat with us.  Yumi and I ate alone but we had some wonderful conversations and our dinner lasted a long time.  We talked about our cultures and the history of our countries. It was truly interesting! Beneficial for both of us to learn about other people and places.  After dinner it was almost 12 (!) so I decided to go to bed!

Sunday 14/04

Today was the BIG DAY! Mom and her friends arrived from Stockholm.  To begin the day I slept in and then ate a late breakfast with Yumi.  I then got ready for the day and decided to go for a walk because it was beautiful outside. It was warm and the sun was shining, what a great day! After my walk I came home to eat lunch with Maite, Virginia, Puri, and two other women.  We had snails for lunch... I tried really hard but I hated them and so I didn't really eat them. I ate a few but then had to give up! It was not my favorite meal ever but I got to experience something new.  After we all finished eating I excused myself from the table to go meet mom and the ladies at their hotel! I walked there and was standing out front of their hotel by the time they arrived, perfect timing.  They took some time to get settled and then we went around to several different bars and tried little tapas at each one and different drinks.  We hit 6 bars! Towards the end of the night we got salads from the restaurant at their hotel and then went to the oso blanco to finish off the night.  It was a lot of fun hanging out with everyone and hitting all of the bars! I am in bed by 12:30 which is perfect because I have to get up early tomorrow. How fun to have mom here again :)

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