Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A wonderfully and tiring Tuesday 16/04

This morning I got up and met the ladies to do a long walk.  We did a 4.5 mile walk around Alcazar which was very entertaining.  Each of the ladies have their own level of walking and it is hard to please everyone! But everyone was a good sport and we had a great time. After the walk we went to a restaurant in the Plaza Mayor and ate some salads.  Everyone was tired so we went to relax for a bit before I had to head off to my class.  After my art class the ladies met me at school and I showed mom and MJ around my school which was nice! Then we went and got some frozen yogurt which is simply wonderful.  Along the way today we ran into a lot of friends which was fun! The ladies and I and Katie DSA got a drink to kill time before Puri was free to meet them.  We only had about 30 min to visit Puri but Carmen and Puri had a great time chatting in spanish and everyone else just tried to keep up! We then went to dinner at a very odd Pakistani Jewish restaurant where everyone was really tired.  It was a very different group of ladies than then night before! I said goodbye to the ladies and Mom then walked me halfway home and I said goodbye to her. They are going to Madrid in the morning and I won't see them again. It was so nice having them here! I was thinking about how cool it is that I have all of these nice memories with visitors here during my time abroad. It is lucky and I will remember these times forever. Now I am, like the ladies, very tired! Time for bed.

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