Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Dia de los libros 23/04

Today is a holiday in Castilla y Leon, the day of the book.  So we didn't have class today! Woot. Instead of going to class I spent the morning lazing around and I finished up my last homework assignment of the semester.  After lunch I met up with some people and we walked down to the river and then sat by the river for a few hours.  Tara, Alex and I then went and got a beer to cool off after being in the hot sun for a while.  We chatted for a long time and then decided to go back home.  I relaxed for a little bit until it was dinner time. Puri was not in the best mood, she had a long day and needed some sleep! So Yumi and I ate together and then I decided to go to bed. Overall a very nice and lazy day. It was perfect.

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