Friday, April 26, 2013

La cena final 25/04

Today was my last full day in Segovia, but it was a good one.  I woke up this morning and went to school to meet Tara.  We are making little awards for everyone in the group to be handed out at the final dinner.  Ex: most likely to be mistaken for a spaniard, most likely to lose something, etc. And then we headed out to do some last minute souvenir shopping and to get a pastry (apple) from our one and only Limon y Menta.  It was wonderful! Then it was time to head home and start the dreaded packing process :/ Stuff appears from all over when you start packing, I didn't realize how much I bought or how much I had left to fit into one suitcase! It was a stressful process but after I got mostly packed it was time for lunch.  After lunch I packed for a bit longer and then decided to take a brief nap and watch a movie.  Before I knew it it was time to start getting ready for the big dinner! I felt like I was getting ready for prom, it was really fun.  Puri and I met up with Jill and her host mom (Sonya) and walked to the restaurant together. We were 20min late, but no real surprise there! The tables were set up so that it was four people per table, so it was the four of us who ate together.  It was basically just like another sunday dinner for us! But the food was really good and we had a great time chatting. After dinner Katie DSA, Tara, and I presented the awards to everyone which went over really well. Everyone was so surprised and thought it was a great idea. I got the award of "most likely to have been 'here' before" because I had been to a lot of places we traveled. Very funny :) The group pitched in and we got Gladys some flowers.  We then took LOTS of pictures with each other, with our profs, and such and then had to say goodbye to our profs. It was sad to say goodbye because they are all truly nice people.  It was then time to head out and get our drink on (more drinking, there was lots of wine with dinner).  We went to the chupitos bar and shots were 2 for 1 priced so we all had our fair share. We then moved on to oso blanco, gua gua, NyG, and finally Hook. I got back home at 5:15am.  I think it was by far the most fun night I have had here and I am glad that this is how I get to finish off my semester. When I got home I talked to Luke and then Katrina for a while and didn't end up getting to sleep until 7:45am!

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