Monday, April 8, 2013

Productive Monday! Who knew those existed?? 08/04

Mondays are my days with three classes in a row, woo. All of them went ok today, Nicole, a woman from CSB who is in charge of the Office of Education Abroad is here to see what our Spain trip is like and shadowed our classes today.  Sadly that kept us from getting out of class early, like we would have if she wasn't there. But it was ok! After class I went back for a wonderful lunch with Puri and Yumi and then I decided it was about time I did some homework.  I sat down and cranked through the presentation I have to give on Wednesday on my cultural identity as well as homosexuality and gender roles in Spain.  The hard part was narrowing myself down because I could write a twenty page paper on this stuff and still not explain enough in detail! A lot of themes with women here were reminiscent of themes of women in America. It was quite interesting.  Then I decided to go for a walk because I didn't feel like doing homework anymore.  I wandered around Segovia for a while and then got a little chilly and came back.  I watched What Happens in Vegas while researching information for my paper on Unicorns.  I thought it would be such an easy topic to write my five page paper on, but finding credible information on the mythology of unicorns is hard! There are so many sites saying: unicorns are real, unicorns found in North Korea, unicorn spotting, and others that go into depth such as unicorns live in families of four or five, they are pregnant for two and a half years before they give birth, bla bla bla! So hopefully I can think of something creative to do for this paper.  After a while of that Puri came back with the three French girls who are staying here for about four days. They are all 15-16 years old and seem so young.  They got settled in and then the three of them, Yumi, and I ate dinner together which was nice and awkward. Puri needed to get stuff done (secretly I think she wanted to avoid the awkwardness!) so it was just us girls.  They giggled and whispered in French the whole time. One girl is able to communicate a bit (way more than the others) using a combination of English and Spanish.  They are not very good at Spanish though. All of them seem nice though! It was very funny because Yumi was saying how she was going to eat Cuchinillo tomorrow so I explained to the girls what it was. They all looked horrified and started laughing. They didn't know what a 'cerdo' was (spanish for pig) so they thought people ate babies (like human babies) here. Oh the misunderstandings brought about by language! We all ate quickly to make it not last forever, because it was awkward and they were tired.  After a bit more research on unicorns I think I can safely go to bed!

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