Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The beginning of the end 17/04

I did not want to wake up this morning, but I dragged by butt out of bed and headed to school.  We got out of my first class 30min early which was really nice so then I was able to go catch up on things before having class with Gladys.  I got one presentation done (out of the 3 I have to do before the end of school) in class which was great to get done.  I then came home to a wonderful lunch of garbanzo beans, green peppers, and my favorite multi grain bread (which I will miss).  After lunch I met up with Katelin to do a little shopping and soak up the sunshine.  We got some more gifts for people which was good because honestly we are running out of time! The weather has been amazing here and I have been loving it.  It is actually verging on too hot these past couple days but I cannot complain.  I came back to the house after shopping and was seriously wiped out.  Those ladies from Sweden sucked up all of my energy! I took an hour and a half nap and then rested the rest of the night until dinner.  Tonight I had my first dinner with this group of french girls that we have because I've been eating out with the ladies. I think Puri was tired of eating with them because she ate with them the two nights I wasn't there so that she didn't leave Yumi eating alone with them.  However I suppose it is ok to leave me alone with them because Yumi was out to eat elsewhere and Puri had clearly had enough dinner with them, so it was just me! These girls are 14, very young but very nice.  They were so polite and stacked their dishes and offered to put them in the dishwasher.  Conversation was hard and there were lots of awkward silences but I suppose that is pretty standard for these kinds of dinner! After dinner I read some touching stories about the Boston Marathon bombings.  There was a woman who was about to finish the race but was diverted because of the bombs.  It took her a while to find out by phone if her family was safe and the second she connected with them she just sat down on the street and cried.  A couple approached her, the husband having finished the marathon 30min before the explosion, and gave her his medal and comforted her.  The woman who got the medal reached out on facebook trying to find this couple to thank them and through multiple sources of media, they found each other! Very nice story. I like that those kinds of wonderful stories make the newspapers along with the bad stories. I think it is important to publish good stories. Now, to bed!

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