Thursday, January 31, 2013

A day for awkward convos... 31/01

Today was a lovely day where I didn't have class until 12:30.  I woke up and lazily had breakfast/got ready and then took some time to stretch which was very relaxing. I then headed out to class with Gladys which was pretty boring, all we do is discuss the reading we have done.  Some kids were missing from class and apparently a stomach bug and a strep-like thing is going around right now so I have to be extra careful! I stayed after class to chat with Gladys for a while about the crisis in Spain. It is really sad because the people in positions of power here are embezzling money and banks used people's savings to pay for things.  The government then paid the banks back so that the people whose savings they stole could have money but the government isn't making the bank pay the money back. Seems like the government is making a series of dumb choices. But anyways then I went home to a lunch of beans, potatoes, fried zucchini (she always fries it, poor zucchini), avocado with slimy red pepper, and bread of course. It was very tasty! Then it was time to head back to an art class where we learned about the Romans and their stuff.  We were told that when she says to write a two page paper, it means two pages front and back (so really four pages). This means we all did the first paper wrong, but also it is an annoyingly large amount of paper for the given topics! After a good facetime with mom and kristin, it was time to head home and enjoy a wonderful dinner of eggs and veggie soup. Puri was asking Tomo (the Japanese student) about his sex life and it was thoroughly entertaining for me because I had to keep translating sentences such as "do you and your gf have sex?" "what forms of contraceptives do you use? do they have condoms in Japan?" He was bright red. It was wonderful! I am going to get to bed 'early' (early for here) because 1.) I don't want to get sick 2.) I'm tired 3.) unlike a lot of people, I have class tomorrow!

To have your period- tener la regla
I've got my period- estoy con la regla
fatal- terrible, awful (not as dramatic as the word fatal in english)
switchblade- la navaja de muelle

moon- The Flobots

There was just a huge fire in a nightclub in Brazil that killed over 230 people. It is scary because it happened around the night that I was in a club in Madrid. It makes you want to be more careful and more aware of your surroundings, like always taking a quick look for the emergency exits and the best way to get out. It is absolutely tragic and terrifying.

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