Saturday, January 26, 2013

A Day of Exploration 26/01

Today was an adventurous and fun day!  I had class early in the morning where we watched a movie called 1492 about Christopher Columbus. It was really interesting! But it was another movie that was originally in English but we watched it in Spanish. Sigh. Haha but then I had some time before lunch so I decided to go out for a walk where I stumbled across a beautiful view of Alcazar, found an old Jewish Cemetery, and some great hiking trails. It was beautiful and I got some nice pictures :) I want to go exploring more/hiking when I have another person with me. I didn't want to wander too far away. Then I came home and painted my nails and sat around 'doing homework' until it was lunch time. For lunch I had veggie soup with bread and some salad and empenadas. Very tasty! Then it was back to school for learning about the Aqueduct and how it was built. It was interesting but also dragged on.  It was built by the Romans and apparently a group of Japanese people (not too long ago) found out that without restorations it was going to fall soon.  So it has been since restored/cleaned. Then I hung out with some people at school doing homework and got a nice long Face Time chat with Luke :) When I got home it was 9pm and I ate the pizza that Puri had left for me (she had movie group) and now I'm in bed! I have a big weekend so I need to get the most sleep possible. I hope Madrid is fun!

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