Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A casual walk through Segovia... 30/01

Today started out a normal day, I went to my mitos class where everyone was bored and falling asleep as per usual.  He is a fan of using power points filled with definitions that go by too quickly to write down.  It is really quite boring.  Then I had some time before my next class so a bunch of us were chatting and doing homework in a study room. Suddenly an alarm started going off and we all looked at each other like... should we evacuate? We saw some people leaving and eventually we decided to leave. A girl in our group asked a girl in the hall "should we leave the building?" and the girl said "DUH, it's a fire alarm". Haha so rude. Fire alarms here are nothing like back home, they are quiet and there are no flashing lights. Much less extreme.  It didn't last long so pretty soon we were let back inside and went to class with Gladys.  We chatted about our host families and then watched a movie on the spanish civil war, daily life.  Mariah and I then went and got some gummies from this awesome candy shop. I snacked on a few at home while waiting for lunch. Puri made me beans, carrots, potatoes, and peas with an egg on top. It was delicious! So many veggies! After that I did some super lame homework for art class and then asked a few girls on facebook to go for a walk.  Three of us met up to get our daily casual workout in.  There is no such thing as an ordinary or casual walk here. We stumbled across SO many beautiful things.  We were above the castle and then below it and we found a few beautiful cathedrals that we went into. You know, pretty typical... It was the best walk! We also came across a park with outdoor workout equipment that was super fun to play on. We plan on going back and working out on it! We got the most spectacular pictures.  Each day we walk we are going to take a different path and discover new things. I am so excited.

After the walk I went home and had some time to hang out while Puri was working. Suddenly Puri bursts into my room saying she just got a text and she forgot something and then the language barrier set in and it was like blah blah blah nine o'clock tonight, bla bla bla and then she left. I didn't think much of it, I was just chilling doing my homework when suddenly the doorbell rings at 8:30pm and Puri is saying oh no he is early ah! And I'm like "he who?" haha and then there was a Japanese guy here with suitcases and moving into the upstairs. This is when I remembered a convo Puri and I had the other day about a Japanese student she had stay with her two years ago coming to visit for a few days. It all made sense then but for a few minutes it was really confusing! He moved in and I got the chance to skype with Trina for a bit which was wonderful :) Then I had to go be social and I went and talked to him while Puri made dinner. He is very nice and we speak in english because his english is better than his spanish.  We had fun talking but it was awkward too. Soo... cough. What to talk about? But then it was time for dinner which was also awkward because we didn't really know what to talk about and his spanish is bad so it was a strugglefest.  I have retreated to my room (door open, just incase I'm needed) so that they can catch up on life. Tonight is the Barcelona-Madrid futbol game so my classmates are at a bar watching it. I am going to go to bed, WAY cooler. I guess today was a day for new experiences!

guay- smashing (kristin, like the thornberrys, SHHHMASHING- said with his huge BIGOTE)

Songs I liked today:
So Long Arletta- Ghosts and Skeletons
A Skylit Drive- Sleepwalker
Push Play- Far From Beautiful

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