Saturday, January 19, 2013

Sleeping Beauty's Castle - A dream come true 18/01

Today is finally friday! It has been the longest week ever.  I can say I was quite tired waking up this morning after such a late (and fun) evening.  I went to my Spanish Cine (movies+history) class for the first time and that was... well... an interesting experience.  The prof is from Argentina and has an accent that is hard to understand and also talks super quickly.  His train of thought is all over the place and his handwriting is like chicken scratch.  The whole class for me was a fight to stay awake and at the same time understand anything he was saying. I felt good though because everyone was in the same boat.  After returning from class and having lunch, we got to go tour Alcazar.  It was the castle that Sleeping Beauty's Castle was designed after. Turns out Walt Disney summered in Segovia and was inspired by this castle.  It was absolutely beautiful on the inside.  We got to walk up to the tallest tower and see the view of the city from the highest point in Segovia.  We got to the top right when the sun was setting and it was spectacular.  Pilar, one of my profs, was our tour guide and she talked A LOT which was cool sometimes and boring sometimes.  I learned a lot about the details of the castle.  There were the most interesting ceilings in the building.  The castle was freezing cold, like a fridge.  It was colder inside than outside, and man it was cold outside! After touring it was nice to come home and relax for a little bit.  I got to eat dinner early and early to bed as well. How great to have finally toured Alcazar.

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