Thursday, January 24, 2013

Dia de espector 24/01

Today started off slowly, I didn't have class until 12:30 which is always enjoyable. Puri had a friend over in the morning which was overwhelming for me! Puri left me with her friend Maite and it was hard to talk to her.  I was telling her that our group was going to Madrid this weekend and she was like "where?" and I told her "madrid" and this went back and forth for a bunch of times until I finally said "you know the capital..." and she was like "oh, Madrid" (in spanish accent). COME ON! After that I wanted to run away so I eventually was like ohhh yeah gotta get to class bye.  Class with Gladys went well, we got to watch some more of a movie about the civil war.  I then came home for a very typically Segovian lunch: a soup made out of veggies, potatoes, and huge white beans. I loved it! It was right down my alley! Then I had to get back to class. Art class is very funny because the professor hacks all of her 'j's' (gross) and rolls her 'r's' like it's her job. She also talks SO slow. I know we aren't very good at spanish, but I'm not 2. But we learned about some more art history. No funny neanderthal videos today.  We all hung out at school "doing homework" which mostly consisted of chatting, making spring break plans, and for me, chatting with mom and krispy.  Then a few of us went to a candy shop and got YUMM YUMM gummies. So good! I came back and had some time to hang out before going to a movie later. (Thursdays here are 'el dia de espector' which is a day where going to the movies is half priced! Pretty sweet deal.)  Suddenly Puri rushes in and is like "the movie is at 9:30, not 10:30!!!" so I shoved in some dinner, put on my coat and we ran away.  We went with Jill and Jill's host mom, host aunt, and host grandma. The movie was dubbed. I was pretty lost. It was also long. It was a lot of spanish. Also I hate dubbed movies because I get distracted by the lips not matching the words... but otherwise it was good! The movie ended at midnight and we then came right home.  Puri and I had a snack and chatted about the movie.  She told me that she and Jill's family had been talking and they see a big difference between me and Jill.  She said they all think I'm very mature, I take a lot in, and I can have good discussions. That was really nice to hear :)

My gray heel boots are not so much fun on the cobblestone, I do fine but it made me realize that I will probs never wear my actual heels here!

Sue and Tom- the days here are so long that sometimes when I read one of your notes in the morning, I can't remember if I read a note that day or not! I love them.

Words I learned (in discussion with Puri)
Obesa- obese

Puri and I listened to spanish rap today. I was laughing so hard. We danced in the living room. Check it out :)

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