Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Snow! 22/01

Today was a very nice and normal day here in Segovia.  The only odd thing was that it was snowing. A LOT. Which is rare for here.  I woke up and had time to get ready and relax.  I then went to La Colonial to get a coffee and do some homework.  I attempted to continue reading the extremely absurdly hard book, but did not get very far.  I didn't actually get much of anything done but that was ok! I went home for lunch, and we ate veggie soup, fish, peas, and bread (yum!).  Then Puri and I talked for a while until it was time for me to head to class.  Today in art class we learned about the evolution of man and when the first drawings were made (cavemen era) and it was interesting.  We watched a video that was a recreation of the Neanderthals and I could not stop laughing into my scarf.  They were actors with big teased hair and glued on uni-brows wandering around the forest smashing rocks together.  I was quite amused!
After class we returned to the coffee shop to hang out and a few people talked about spring break. Sounds like some other people may be going to Mallorca too, that'd be pretty neat.  After that we went into Mango (clothing store) to look around and then I decided to go home.  Puri and I sat in the living room and talked for like two hours before she had to go make dinner. I learned about her life and her sad divorce.  She is always hosting several students (there will be a Japanese girl here in Feb and French girls here in April) because her ex-husband left her completely broke and she needs the money from hosting students. I think it is so sad but I love that she doesn't treat the students like we're here just for the money.  She is wonderful and always gives me plenty to eat and I never feel like she is tight on money, even though I now know she is.  We then ate dinner which was eggs and a tortilla and then a yogurt (again, so tasty) and that was the end.  I know it is only a week into the program but I'm already frustrated with the language barrier.  I feel like I can't ever say what I want to and like I'm quiet and awkward because I can't communicate my thoughts.  I hope it gets better!

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