Monday, January 21, 2013

Monday's are hard everywhere!

Today (and every monday) I have three classes in a row.  I'm in class straight from 9:30-1:45 in the same classroom, no breaks.  There were a lot of us in the same boat, so we ate snacks when the professors were trading places.  The first class was by far the hardest to sit through, I was so tired! I have to figure out how to have good attention span/be awake during that much class.  I think next time we should all change seats for each class! Mix it up, live on the edge.  After classes I came home to eat a wonderful lunch of tortellini with Puri. It was delicious and I loved it.  I then went to do a bit of homework but ended up taking a glorious nap.  Puri was meeting with a patient when I woke up, so I went to the coffee shop close to the apartment with a few people.  We had the intention of doing homework but mostly we chatted and tossed around ideas for spring break.  I decided that I want to do spring break with the fam. Trying to find people with similar travel interests (location and activities) is hard. I've only been here a week and don't know people that well! Most people have bought tickets and have plans.  I'm very pleased that my family is free and can do spring break with me! I am so excited! It is going to be a blast.  We will go somewhere warm, it has been so cold here.  It snowed for a bit today and was chilly. The sun was out for a few brief moments though!  I hung out at the coffee shop, talked to mom and sis for a while and attempted a bit of homework before taking off to come home.  The book we are reading for Gladys' class is absurd. It is so hard! I have to look up every other word.  The best thing today was I translated a whole sentence I didn't know and this is what it meant "a lean ominous bird stood by, crowning his clerical collar". I mean really? really? it is ABSURD! Once I got home, I again attempted to read but seeing as it was crazily hard and I was starving, I mostly just laid on my bed staring into space waiting for Puri to call me to dinner.  We had the leftover tortellini (again, yum!) and she made me a tortilla (like actual tortilla, not spanish tortilla) warmed up in a pan with butter and it was delicious.  Then we had yogurt with instant coffee in it for dessert (shockingly tasty, kind of like coffee ice cream).  The days here seem to last forever! I think I am starting to get sick (grrr) so I am going to go put on some music or a movie and fall asleep.  Gotta stay healthy!

It is hard being in such a big group and trying to stay involved/being invited. Without cell phones a lot of plans happen by word of mouth and it is easy to accidentally be excluded. It is hard, but I am trying to figure out how to connect with people.

words I learned today:
relamido - prim and proper (for kristin)
prodigiosamente - amazingly, enormously, beautifully, marvelously, miraculously, charmingly (pretty much it means everything good ending in -ly)
mono - monkey or overalls (depending on context)
cicatriz - scar
raído - threadbare

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