Thursday, March 14, 2013

ONE WEEK! 14/03

I had a lovely lazy morning today which was lovely however in retrospect I probably should have done more! I left for school a bit early, bought some oranges (because mom was making me drool) and then picked up Kristin's ticket for Mumford and Sons which his ONE WEEK FROM TODAY! Class was pretty funny, I just sat by some entertaining people which is always fun.  I stayed after class and got into a conversation about gay marriage with a kid from class. It didn't go well. He was just making some wildly offensive claims without any backup, he is very ignorant on the subject. So I shared a different view point from him, talked to him about some facts/studies that exist, and offered to send him some ways to get educated on the subject. I then walked home for lunch and then as I was crossing the aqueduct I heard music start playing and then a bunch of about 10 year olds came running from all over and started doing a flash mob. It was so fun! I then hurried back home because I was an hour later than I usually come home (I got home at 3) but I walked in at the same time as Puri.  We sure do eat late! We had a great lunch today. Great conversation about gay marriage and about the new pope and what not. I really enjoyed it. I was sad to go to class! After class Katelin and I took the bus to the train station to buy our tickets for going to Madrid next week. It felt good to know that I will be on the train I need to be on and will be able to meet up with Kristin! We then wandered around Segovia for a while because we felt like walking.  She's been wanting to get her ear pierced for a while so we went into a piercing place and made her an appointment for tomorrow which will be fun to do! I am excited to go with her. I then came home and chatted with Ryan which was SO good. She is getting over tonsillitis so we weren't able to chat too long, but it was great. I was then texting her and Tara and Luke and thinking about FaceTiming someone else when it dawned on me that for once I actually have to get started on my homework! But by that time it was almost dinner time so I didn't get too much done before I ate dinner.  After dinner I always just wash up and then go to bed, and I wasn't about to change now.... So I suppose I'll do my homework another day :) Eventually I'm gonna have to do it.... eventually.

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