Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Back in the swing of things- 12/03

I woke up today at a nice hour, ate breakfast, got dressed and then waited for the woman to come who I was supposed to talk to.  She came at 11:25 and it was really awkward at first! We sat in Puri's study and I was like "soooooooo..... english....." Turns out she is pretty good at speaking english but her comprehension when I speak is not so great.  So mostly I asked her questions about her life, Spain, and things like that.  It was great practice for her which is good.  She wants to be a teacher and has to get better at english first which is where I come in! I think maybe she doesn't understand me because she learned British english maybe, not sure. It is odd to me that she speaks so well and yet understands so little.  But after two hours of talking I was like sooo look at the time, it's about time for this to be over haha. It was nice but long and I had a paper to go write.  I said goodbye to her and she was like "should I pay you?" and I was like "NO! Just chatting" but that was nice of her.  Then she said "see you next Tuesday!" and I was like ohhh so this is weekly, no one told me! But that is ok, it is not that much of my time.  After she left I powered through my paper that I needed to do, ate lunch, and then headed to school a bit early so that I could print my paper before class.  Class went well and then after class I had to stay to work on a group presentation.  Another one. As before mentioned, they are my favorite! Oh wait. No. But this meeting was shorter which was good and then I stayed to work on a bit of homework but ended up chatting for most of the time.  Eventually I came home and decided to watch the Patriot Games which was a pretty swell movie! I ate dinner with Puri and Sakina and then got to catch up with mom and dad for a little bit before hopping into bed. Plans are coming together for Sweden this summer which is exciting, I will get to see Grammy and Pa and Kristin :) I am excited! But first, powering through for spring break!

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