Monday, March 18, 2013

Getting it done... ok trying to get it done! 18/03

This morning I was a big groggy after going to bed late, however I got up and went to my classes.  Class was particularly boring today! During my third class Tara started freaking out about her breathing and had to go to the hall. Last night her family gave her calimari (without her knowing) and she is allergic to it.  She took allergy pills last night and today and the swelling went away, however she was having what looked to me like anxiety that her throat would close up.  I went into the hallway with her and helped her calm down and reminded her that she could indeed breath and that the allergy had already gotten better and wouldn't get worse.  She could not pull herself together so I asked Gladys if I could walk her home, which I did.  I just kept trying to distract her from focusing on her breathing and her throat and by the time we got to her house, she was a lot better. I felt so bad for her though, it is not fun to have to go through that! After dropping her off I came home and rested a bit before having lunch which was nice. Puri and I ate a wonderful lunch, I love lunch here. It is always so good! I then sorted some stuff out with classes for next semester and the Madrid metro map for meeting up with Kristin. I dozed off in my desk chair while trying to read some boring homework and then as I was about to commit to a nap, mom called and we chatted for a bit :) It was good because Tara ended up texting me and asked if I wanted to go and get a coffee and walk so I met up with her.  We got coffee and a pastry at Limon and Menta and ended up chatting for a solid couple of hours.  I came home and chatted with Puri for an hour and a half and before we knew it, it was 10:30! I suppose I'll be getting homework done sometime tomorrow then.

our group here likes to say muy cute- spanglish for the win

viuda- widow (Puri jokes that she is a widow because it is easier than explaining her ex husband situation)
inundacion- flood
el billar- pool (game- billiards)

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