Friday, March 15, 2013

It's Friday, Friday (gotta get down on friday) 15/03

In my one class today I had a presentation that went well, it was good to get one of my big things done! One group project down! After class I stayed at school working on some homework which was nice.  I then headed home to eat lunch with Sakina, Puri and another Japanese student. We had a wonderful lunch :) He was so nice but could not speak or understand at all. Poor thing! The food was lovely and we had a nice time.  I then went to meet the group and we toured a convent/cathedral here in Segovia which was fun because the woman who was showing us around was SO excited about everything! She was just glowing when she taught us about the convent (like my high school calc teacher). It was a very pretty place. After that Katelin and I went to Tara's house because she wanted to change shoes and met her host dad. He was a really nice guy! He is older and is one of those people you could talk to and learn from all day long. I want to go back and see him again.  We then walked around, got gummies and killed time until Katelin's appointment to get pierced.  We just sat on the calle real chatting and eating gummies which was wonderful.  Then we headed to the piercing place and Katelin got three studs put in the top inside part of her cartilage. She had to lay down a few times because she almost passed out. I don't blame her! It was three needles at once and it was a hard area to pierce.  The piercer was really nice and was really great to her. Luckily we had some gummies to give her (quick sugar) so she didn't actually pass out.  All in all it was a great adventure! Tara and I promised to buy her churros if she didn't pass out, so we then went to fulfill our promise.  We had some wonderful churros from this churro stand that only is open for like two hours on weekend nights. They are cheap, warm, and wonderful!
After that we parted ways and I came home to Sakina, Puri, and Sonia (Jill's host mom) in the study. I sat and chatted with them for a while and then it was decided that we would go to her house for dinner. I was a little bummed because I was wiped after not being home all day. I was so so so sleepy! But then Sakina had to leave early and it was this whole overwhelming situation of miscommunication due to language barriers.  Turns out we didn't go to dinner at their house, and instead we ate quickly here at home so that Sakina could go out.  Here's a sum of what happened: we decide to go to Sonia's house for dinner, before we leave (Puri was getting ready) Sakina comes up and says goodbye. Puri goes "where are you going, we need to leave for dinner?" and Sakina kept trying to leave and Puri said no no not without dinner (so she cancelled dinner with Sonia and started cooking but still wouldn't let Sakina leave). So I asked Sakina what she had to leave for and she said she had to meet a friend at the aqueduct at 9:30 (it was at this point 9:33 or something). So Sakina said Puri I have to go and Puri goes no, call your friend and say you can't make it. And Sakina looks at me and is like "she's already at the aqueduct". So I stepped in and did some translating and eventually Sakina got to leave to the aqueduct, pick up her friend and then come back here for dinner before leaving for good. She was so sweet and thankful that I was there to communicate that to Puri. Puri does really well for the most part with students who don't speak spanish well, but her problem comes with when she tries to help by filling in your sentence.  Sometimes Sakina will struggle to find a word and Puri will fill it in for her, but usually what Puri says is not what Sakina meant and then miscommunications and confusion come from that. Whew. If I was tired before haha that made it worse! But fun :) Sakina's friend was one of the guys who was over the other day and I learned today (much to my surprise) that he is FLUENT in english. AND he has a hilarious British accent. I mean he even knew colloquial words like "getting sloshed" and things like that. He was such a delight to talk to! Sakina was so sweet the whole meal, she won't stop hugging Puri and I because she is so sad to be leaving tomorrow. I am sad too! She has been so great to have. After dinner I sat around for a while pretending I could do something productive but that didn't happen. I am so tired! So bed time it is :)

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