Sunday, March 17, 2013

Another big fat spanish sunday- 17/03

I forced myself to wake up at a decent time today to get started on my homework. It was a struggle but I woke up and got a solid hour of homework in before Puri woke up and then I ate breakfast. It is cold and rainy today (chilly in the apartment) so breakfast was so wonderful.  I sat in the kitchen enjoying every minute of my homework break while drinking freshly made HOT coffee. I had two cups today because I was feeling so relaxed holding the warm drink and not having to be working. Then it was back to reality, meaning I had to go do some more homework before going over to Jill's host family's house for lunch/dinner/all day or something! I never really know what I am getting myself into ahead of time. Turns out today was pretty low key. We at lunch there and then I stayed for a few hours chatting with Jill about CSB and registration, about life and such. It was nice! Then she went to go do hw and I left to come back to my apt to write my essay. Puri stayed there for a while longer because they were watching a movie. Writing my essay on the Spanish Civil War was quite a struggle.  I constantly was getting bored and had to take a break and then refocus. I FaceTimed with Kristin for a bit which was lovely. I'm so excited to see her! I did some more work and then FaceTimes with mom and dad which was good too :) Puri and I ate dinner early because she was tired and had had a long weekend/day. I've never seen her so tired. I think it was too much that she worked today because normally she has a day to have a break from the problems of her patients but she didn't get that this week.  She went right to bed after dinner which she has never done. I hope she rests up and is better tomorrow! After dinner, I broke my rule, and did shockingly a lot of homework and finished my 18 page essay. Now BED!

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