Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Sweden! 27/04

Today was a day full of transportation. Shuttle, plane, walk, plane, and then I got to Stockholm! I was surprised and picked up by Mom and Dad at the airport. They found Katelin before I did! All is well and it feels good to be in Stockholm. It was an amazing study abroad experience, but it is time for it to be over. :)

Despedidas 26/04

I woke up at 11am today with a whopping 3 hours of sleep under my belt. I had to get up and out of the house because the woman who cleans was here to get my room ready for the next student and what not. So I had to roll out of bed, strip the sheets and then get myself presentable to leave the house.  I met up with Katelin and Tara at a coffee shop and then we walked around Segovia for one last time. I came home right before lunch to do the final packing. I had to sit, stand, kneel, and such on my suitcase in order to finally get it to close. Eventually it did close, thank goodness! Puri and I had our final meal together which was very nice.  We chatted about the usual and it just felt normal which is great because I hate goodbyes and being all weird the day someone leaves. After lunch I went to school one last time to print out my boarding passes and I just took my time walking and enjoyed Segovia for the last time (not the last time forever but the last time right now).  I then came back and finalized putting things away, gave Puri her present, said goodbye to Virginia on the phone, and then had my goodbye with Puri. It was hard but we just said "hasta luego" instead of an actual goodbye.  We were both tearing up.  It was then time to go to the bus to the train and then off to madrid.  We ate a wonderful dinner at wok to walk, meeting up with Katelin, Joe, Katie DSA, Katie Liberko, Tara and I.  Then it was back to the hotel before a morning flight to Sweden!